Installing any window in computer


1.   CD/DVD/ USB (Bootable)

2.   BIOS setting (Boot option)

STEP- 1 Turn on your pc and open Boot Manu . Select  DVD or USB .
 Window will start to loading file.

STEP -2  Now get a setup and select a English language . Click Intall now.

STEP- 3  There will be accept license agreement and click to NEXT . After this click custom and make a partition based on your hard drive space.


STEP -4  Now your windows will start installing its file. Its will take a few minutes to installation.

STEP -5  Now your window is install . select time zone and select your location

STEP -6  Congratulation :- you have installed your windows ,now you see your desktop. Setup your desktop and enjoy

window 10 installation tutorial step by step see below

download window 10 latest and full version;_ylu=X3oDMTBya2cwZmh2BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwM1BHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--/RV=2/RE=1546726681/RO=10/