Best tabs shortcuts keys in goggle chrome browser

 Best tabs shortcuts keys in goggle chrome browser 

Goggle Chrome is the world's most popular desktop browser.

 Many users work by opening multiple tabs at Google Chrome at the same time. If more tabs are open in Google Chrome, it reduces the size of the tab and if you open more tabs, you do not know which site tabs you've visited.
Using shortcut keys for troubleshooting similar issues can be a great help in web browsing.

Below are some help shortcuts for Chrome browsers being given. Hopefully many of them will be new to you.

The following are the shortcut keys for the Mac operating system. Use Ctrl's Location Bus Ctrl to use them on Windows.

Opening and closing the tabs

New tab
Cmd + t

Close tab
Cmd + w

To open the last tab again
Cmd + Shift + t

To open the link in a new tab without leaving the current tab
Cmd + click on a link

Link to open the new tab and switch to the new tab
Cmd + Shift + click on a link

Navigation in tabs

To go to the specific tab
Cmd + 1 through 8

To go to the last tab
Cmd + 9

Scrolling in Tabs
Cmd + option + left / right arrow (in windows: Ctrl + page up / down)

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